Kids in Water

I took a lot of photos of little kids playing in the fountain(-thing) in the Columbia Heights neighborhood of Washington, DC, when I was there last week. I always feel a little creepy taking pictures of kids, like people would think I’m some crazy child-lover taking pics of kids in swim suits, but some kids are so unabashedly crazy. Why can’t we all act like that anymore? It was so hot that afternoon that I was about to jump in myself.

Anyway, despite however creepy it might seems, I couldn’t resist taking some pics of my favorite rowdy kids… Enjoy!

This place got packed only ten minutes after I took this photo.

This little girl was by far my favorite. While the other kids were skiddish, she jumped right into the water. After a while the kids got their hands on recycled sour cream and yogurt tubs, which they used to try to catch the water. This water-catching caught on amongst almost all the kids...and I couldn't for the life of me understand why it was so entertaining to them!

Don't you know? Tutus are the must-have beach and pool-side wear this summer.

This guy's trying to catch water with his hands. He was so cute--just look at those stylin' glasses! He was another water-baby. Couldn't get enough of it...until he slipped and smacked down onto the tile. Fortunately, there was Nanny to the rescue!

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